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Top 9 Frequently Asked Questions Boise Black Rifle

Top 9 Frequently Asked Questions Boise Black Rifle

Posted by Doug Shoemaker on Jun 1st 2022

Do you have some questions for your local gun shop? We are here to help!

Below are some of the frequently asked questions and the answers to them. Keep reading to find our answers!

Question 1: Do You Guys Have (Insert Name of Difficult Gun to Find)?

Answer: Just like any gun shop, we can only get in the firearms that our suppliers can send us. With that said, we post hot new firearms up on our social media accounts as soon as they come in. Additionally, we put all of our inventory up on our website as soon as it comes in.

Question 2: What do I do About Fake Products?

Answer: The easiest way to avoid buying fake products is to buy from a reputable dealer. It’s not uncommon to find counterfeit products online in any industry. That is why we only buy directly from well-known producers, so our customers can rest easy that they are getting high-quality products.

Question 3: What’s a Good First Handgun?

Answer: Although there are a lot of great handgun options, here is what we would recommend based on your budget:

We chose these based on the ease of handling, customer reviews, and our own experience with the firearms.

Question 4: What’s a Good First AR-15?

Answer: If you are looking to get into AR-15s, you will need to consider a couple of things: build or buy. However, no matter which you choose, there are a few brands that stand out as the highest quality options:

We recommend starting with these high-quality brands. Otherwise, in our experience, you will soon be back in the store to buy a new gun.

Question 5: Can You Send Products Out of State?

Answer: We can send products to other states. However, any products that will be sent must meet the individual laws of that state. If the item is a firearm, it must be shipped to a licensed FFL.

Question 6: Is Boise Black Rifle Related to Black Rifle Coffee Company?

Answer: We are not. In fact, we have been using the Black Rifle name since 2007 (a little before their time).

Question 7: What Optic Would You Recommend?

Answer: This one is dependent on budget as well. However, we typically recommend a few companies based on the quality of their products, our own experience with them, and feedback from customers. The brands we usually recommend are:

As you can see, there is some variety here. This mainly comes down to what the optic is going on and your goals.

Question 8: What are Your Hours?

Answer: We are open from 10 AM to 6 PM every day at all locations, except for some major holidays. If you ever have any questions about our hours, please call the store!

Question 9: How Do I Buy a Silencer/Suppressor in Idaho?

Answer: We actually have a guide that shows how to buy a silencer/suppressor in Idaho! You can find the guide here or call/email the shop for more information.

These Were Our Frequently Asked Questions at Boise Black Rifle

Hopefully, these answered some of your questions! If not, we are always happy to answer questions at the store or over the phone!

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