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How to Buy a Silencer in Idaho: an 8 Step Guide

How to Buy a Silencer in Idaho: an 8 Step Guide

Posted by Doug Shoemaker on May 31st 2022

Are you ready to get into the world of NFA but not sure where to start when it comes to silencers? If it is your first time, the process may seem confusing!

We put together a quick guide to show you how to buy a silencer in Idaho to simplify the process.

Keep reading for all the steps.

Buy a Silencer in Idaho

Before buying, you must determine the best silencer for your intended use. Here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • What firearm(s) will the suppressor go on?
  • What caliber(s) are the firearm(s) chambered in?
  • What is the budget you have to work with?
  • What features are most important to you?

Not sure where to start? We can help. Please speak to one of our experts to learn what silencer makes the most sense based on your firearms.

The silencer needs to be purchased in Idaho. However, you can buy a silencer online or come to Boise Black Rifle to see our in-store selection.

Purchase Tax Stamp

There is no getting out of this step. A tax stamp is required to purchase a silencer in Idaho or anywhere else in the US that allows them. The stamp for a silencer is $200.

Choose How You Will File

There are two different ways to file for a silencer as an individual in Idaho. The options are:

  • Individual
  • Trusts

The different filing options dictate who can use your silencer. If you file as an individual, only you can use the silencer. Filing as a trust or corporation allows you to add other trusted parties who can use your silencer without you present. The trust option also enables you to designate a beneficiary.

Submit Fingerprints and Demographics

The easiest way to submit your prints is with a Silencer Shop Kiosk. To submit your fingerprints, you will need a Silencer Shop account. Create a Silencer Shop account or log in if you already have one.

You will also need to upload some photos that match their parameters. These are essentially selfies, but there will be instructions on the website or the app.

When you visit the kiosk, you will also need to fill out your demographic information. However, you can also do this through the web portal.

Register for an ATF E-Forms Account

You will need to register for an ATF E-forms account using the same email you used for the Silencer Shop account. This step is essential! Make sure you save your pin!

Call the Shop

Do not come into the shop at this point! Call the shop and let us know you have completed the steps above. You may get an email to certify that you can come in.

If you filed with a trust, we can certify over the phone with both parties using a computer. Otherwise, you will need to come to the store.


Now comes the fun part. The ATF has to approve your application, and this takes some time! The ATF states this takes about 90 days, but you know how the government works. When your application is approved, you will be notified by email, and you can come in to pick up your silencer!


You should now know how to buy a silencer in Idaho. Now all you have to do is buy one

For technical steps for purchasing a silencer from Boise Black Rifle keep reading!

Purchasing a Silencer From Boise Black Rifle 

  1. Choose and purchase your silencer 
  2. Create your accounts for the eForm process, you will be creating two. (Make sure to use the same email)
    1. Silencer Shop
    2. ATF eForm

Steps for Silencer Shop

  1. Register as a New User 
  2. Use our Silencer Shop kiosk to complete your fingerprinting 
  3. Upload photos that follow the picture parameters. 
    1. *Downloading and using Silencer Shop’s app is the easiest way to take/upload your photos.* 
  4. Pay for your tax stamp. You will need to purchase one before Silencer Shop will start preparing your form. 
    1. *If you decide to do a Single Shot Trust, you can also purchase that now.* 

ATF eForm Registration 

  1. Register on the eForm website
  2. Write down or save the generated username they created for you. 
  3. Make sure to remember or write down the 4-digit pin that you created. 

Once you have completed registering, let us know so we can apply the silencer to your account. 

After your silencer is applied to you, Silencer Shop will prepare the form. You will receive an email containing a docusign. This is a good time to double check your information. Sign if everything is correct. Once signed the form will be ready to certify soon. 

Certification Process

*Please have your ATF eForms username and 4-digit pin ready. Make sure to contact the store before coming in, verifying that we will have someone here to certify.* 

You will receive an email titled “Ready to Certify”. For individual filing you will come into the store and we will finish the process or you can certify over the phone. 

If this is for a Single Shot Trust or your own trust, we can do them over the phone as long as you have a computer at home. If you do not, you may come into the store and use one. 

Thank you for purchasing with Boise Black Rifle!

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